
Showing posts with the label Laser Stretch Marks Removal in Dubai

What's the Difference Between Stretch Marks and Varicose Veins?

Cosmetic mars can be relatively unwelcome for numerous individuals and may make some feel embarrassed and tone-conscious. Not unexpectedly, numerous who are beginning to notice certain ornamental mars seek treatment to find relief. The first step in determining the applicable course of treatment, still, is relating the problem and diagnosing the condition. swollen modes and Stretch Marks are two fairly common conditions that women may witness during or after gestation, but others may see these mars as well.  Swollen modes may be further than simply a mark, still. These may lead to passions of pain and heaviness in the legs, which may make this venous condition a medical concern for some. The modes appear bluish or purplish in color and are distinguished from spider modes by the bulging appearance of the modes. The bulging is due to the pooling of blood in the tone, resulting from inefficiencies in the faucets within the modes that allow blood to flow backward. They may be relatively u