What does dimple mean?
Dimples are small, natural indentations that appear on the surface of the skin, usually on the cheeks or chin. These indentations are commonly seen when a person smiles or moves their facial muscles. Dimples are often associated with charm and beauty and can be a unique physical characteristic that enhances a person’s facial appearance. But what exactly causes these attractive little indentations? This Article delves into the details of the Dimple Creation In Dubai Treatment. What Causes Dimples? Dimples occur due to a variation in the structure of the underlying muscles in the face. The most common type of dimple occurs when a muscle in the cheek, called the zygomaticus major muscle, is shorter than usual. When a person smiles or makes certain facial expressions, this shortened muscle pulls on the skin, causing a slight indentation. The same concept applies to chin dimples, where a prominent indentation occurs due to a genetic variation in the chin muscle. Dimples: A Genet...